BigHand Ltd and all its UK subsidiaries
We at BigHand believe we have a responsibility to ensure that our business is conducted responsibly including taking steps to tackle modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains. As part of this process, we are publishing this Modern Slavery Statement on behalf of all our UK companies and in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Through technology, insight and experience, BigHand delivers success for the future by helping our clients achieve professional productivity and profitability. We have developed a range of solutions from workflow and resource management, document creation, matter pricing, intuitive reporting and analytics, that help busy people achieve more in less time and organizations become more efficient and profitable. BigHand has over 600,000 software licenses in use across 3,500 organizations globally. It actively listens and responds to client needs, demonstrated in its outstanding customer satisfaction score of 98%.
We have a tightly controlled supply chain across a range of sectors including: Hardware, Software, Services (including office services), insurance, marketing, IT, professionals, consultants and contractors predominantly located in the UK, US, Australia and mainland Europe. We aim to deal with reputable and well-established suppliers of goods and services and carry out risk-based due diligence depending on the nature of the supplier.
Some of our IT services are procured from higher risk jurisdictions and supplier due diligence will be carried out on all our suppliers in these areas going forward.
To help identify and monitor the risk of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chain, we take various steps including: building long standing relationships with suppliers and customers and making clear our expectations of ethical business behavior; ensuring we are working with reputable companies often from referrals or known organisations; sending due diligence questionnaires to and risk assessing new suppliers; ensuring we enter into contractual clauses relating to modern slavery with all new high risk suppliers; and having systems in place to encourage the reporting of concerns and the safeguarding of whistle-blowers.
We use various key performance indicators to measure how effective we have been to deal with slavery and human trafficking in any part of our business or supply chains including: the number of reported breaches in the past year; the number of inspections of direct suppliers and sub-contractors in our supply chains in the past year; the percentage of direct suppliers and sub-contractors vetted for ethical labour practices; and percentage of staff receiving training on modern slavery.
As part of our overall commitment to safe working practices and safeguarding of human rights, we have in place several policies dealing with modern slavery; ESG/Sustainability/Corporate Responsibility; external parties; and Whistleblowing.
To ensure a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide training to all relevant members of staff. Our board of directors are responsible for compliance in their respective departments and their relationships with their suppliers and we will provide training on an annual basis to educate on the importance of implementing and enforcing effective systems to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our supply chain.
If issues are identified in relation to modern slavery, these will be immediately reported to our Human Resources Director who are also responsible for implementing the objectives set out in this statement and will monitor progress of our efforts in this area.
This statement has been approved by our Executive Board of Directors and we shall review this statement on an annual basis so please check back for the latest statement.
Next Review: 31 March 2024